Saturday, August 21, 2010

Let them eat cake!

In celebration of some very good news at work, I decided to bake a cake.  Everything should be celebrated with cake!

Between the six ounces of melted chocolate and the full cup of cocoa powder, this recipe was definitely created by a chocolate lover.  With the sweet vanilla glaze soaked into the cake making it shine, this cake looks more like a big piece of chocolate candy.

Dark chocolate, of course!

And unlike Peach Pie: Round 1, this one tasted good on the first try!


Thank you, Indiana University!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A brief interlude

Wherein I make something other than pie.

Using the beautiful new ceramic shortbread pan from my mother...
For cookies with a floral motif

I present to you: shortbread!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Try, try again...

Peach Pie Round 2!

In preparation for my second attempt at peach pie, I actually purchased the peaches in advance.  They (the peaches) spent half the week cuddled up in a bag with a friendly banana.  By Saturday morning, they were ripe, sweet-smelling, and just this side of soft.

Already off to a better start.

Ripe and rosy

After a quick blanch, they peeled like a dream, and I learned just how slippery a skinned peach can be.  If I did this professionally, could I get hazard pay for having to use a knife on a peeled peach?  On the upside, I got to snack on all the pieces that slipped into the sink.  Tasty.

Naked peaches

The peaches put out a lot of juice when mixed with the rest of the filling ingredients.  Unfortunately, I may have been overeager with the quantity of peaches because when I poured the filling into the bottom crust, the juice runneth over.
Possible solutions?  Remove some of the filling, or use a solid rather than a lattice crust to seal in the juice.  Removing filling from a pie just feels criminal, so I went with a solid top crust.  And voila!

Peach Pie, the second

This pie was delivered yesterday afternoon in exchange for a lovely boat ride and a nice glass of wine.  I'm pretty sure I got the better deal.  ;-)

Taste report to come tomorrow...

Update 8/9/10: The pie got good reviews on taste, and it wasn't too soupy!  We'll tally that in the success column.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

If at first you don't succeed...

or a short treatise on why peaches and apples are not the same.

Yesterday, I subjected two of my friends to taste-testing my first try (and therefore experimental) peach pie.

It turns out that unripe peaches, though similar in texture to apples, are not as structurally similar to apples as one (read I) might think.  Bake an apple, and it becomes starchy mush.  Bake an unripe peach, and it becomes... unripe peach, just a bit rubbery.

The pie sliced well, enough juice without being soup.  The crust held together and had good flake.  So far, so good.

Deceptively pretty

Ah, but then comes the taste test.  Crust?  Fine.  Seasoning?  Mmm, tasty.

Peaches?  Bleurgh.  Not only are they fairly flavorless, they resemble nothing so much as undercooked squash.

Peach pellets

A peach pie with a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, un-peach-like peach filling?  On a scale of delicious to disgusting, this was definitely close to my mother's meatless* meatloaf.  Sorry Mom.

In preparation for Peach Pie: Round Two, I have purchased more peaches and introduced them to a nice banana, in the hope that they'll be sweet mushy friends by this weekend.

Stay tuned.

*Meatless meatloaf- think loaf of whole-grain bread, warm, soggy, and topped with ketchup

Sunday, August 1, 2010

First attempt at peach pie!

Who would have thought it would be so difficult to find ripe peaches at the height of summer!  I'm afraid they won't have much flavor- hopefully, a little lemon and ginger will perk them up a bit.  At least there's little worry that they'll turn to mush in the pie.

Peach pie

Can you find the spot where I forgot to weave the lattice?  Oh well.  First tries are never the best.  ;-)